Business Insurance In Utah
Business/Commercial Insurance is a very valuable protection to insure the continuation and reputation of the services offered. It is a vital part of every business plan and a critical slice of the company’s budget. Business/Commercial insurance includes a very wide array of coverages and options to protect almost every part of a businesses composition.
For example, here is a partial list of coverage types that impact a business owner:
Commercial General Liability Coverage Types:
Premises Liability
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Malpractice Insurance
Errors & Omissions Insurance
Professional Services Liability
Completed Operations Liability
Construction Defects
Commercial Liability Umbrella
Commercial Property Coverage Types:
Business Buildings and Improvements
Lessee’s Risk
Business Contents (Personal Property)
Business Equipment & Fixtures
Boiler & Machinery
Equipment Breakdown
Builder’s Risk
Property of Others
Valuable Papers
Computers & Electronic Equipment
Glass & Signs
Debris Removal
Commercial Vehicle Coverage Types:
Business Vehicle Liability
Owned Vehicles
Leased/Rented/Non-Owned Vehicles
Vehicle Physical Damages (Collision/Comprehensive)
Owned Vehicles
Leased/Rented/Non-Owned Vehicles
Personal Injury Protection
Towing/Emergency Road Service/ Rental Reimbursement
Cargo Coverage
Company Defense Coverage Types:
Crime Insurance
Employee Dishonesty Insurance
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (D&O)
Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
Business Interruption Coverage
Business Income – Extra Expense Coverage
Loss of Income or Rents
Business Continuation – Buy/Sell Agreement
Business Continuation – Key Man Insurance
Business Disability
Employee Coverage Types:
Workers Compensation Insurance
Group Medical
Group Life
Group Dental
Retirement Income
As you can see, a business owner is presented with a dazzling array of insurance coverage selections, and they need to recognize what each coverage can do for them, and weigh it against the cost to decide if they want to obtain the coverage. Many insurances are mandated by the State as well as by the financial obligations that businesses place on themselves when they finance equipment, buildings or other necessities which allow them to be productive in their chosen fields of labor.
We like to discuss each of these options with each business we encounter to be sure they are covering the things that mean the most to them.
From coverage that protects against slip-and-fall claims, to repair of buildings from fire or storm damage, to theft of equipment or inventory or business vehicles, to the coverage that cares for injured employees and their families, or to the coverage that makes it possible to continue the business if a partner dies; there are many parts to the insurance puzzle. We would love to have the chance to review your business insurance needs and see to it that you have all the pieces place so you are protected from the unforeseen elements that may cause losses to you. We are fortunate to have some of the best companies available to meet these needs, and would love to talk to you.

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